Sunday, October 18, 2009

Shaping the rudder foil

On the weekend I shaped my rudder blade and laminated the centreboard. I must say that the shaping was a lot easier than I was expecting, so it has given me a lot of confidence that I should be able to build a GIS!
I have a very old Stanley #6 plane that worked really well on the Paulownia, which is a dream to work. Prior to shaping, I made the foil template according to the plans, but I didn’t end up using it at all. Instead, I cut out the half foil shapes from the plan drawing and glued them to the edges of the blanks with PVA and went to work with the plane making long strokes from end to end. I found that I was able to create the foil shape this way without referring to the template. Well, it worked for me so I’ll use the same technique for the daggerboard!

Wow, this rudder foil is light!
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1 comment:

  1. That's not so much a deviation as perhaps an innovation. Good job!
